FAQ - Distribution & Purchasing
Wynn Enterprise, LLC.
- 4451 Main Road
- Bedford, PA 15522
- Phone: 814-847-2386
- Fax: 814-847-2393
- Email: wynnl@wynnenterprisellc.com
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
- Monitor Industrial
HOK Sales
- 245 West Roosevelt Road
- Building 12, Suite 83
- West Chicago, IL 60185
- Phone: 630-665-0220
- Fax: 800-323-4498
- Email: info@hoksales.com
- Website: www.hoksales.com
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
Latchaw, Montgomery, & Peck, Inc.
- 166 Pennsylvania Avenue
- Box 477
- Malvern, PA 19355
- Phone: 800-220-2126
- Fax: 800-220-7081
- Email: customerservice@lmpsales.com
- Website: www.lmpsales.com
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
- Monitor Industrial
Preferred Sources, Inc.
- 930 Culp Road
- Pineville, NC 28134
- Phone: 704-504-3111
- Fax: 704-504-3499
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
Group One Northeast
- 955 Buffalo Rd.
- Rochester, NY 14624
- Phone: 800-825-1330
- Fax: 585-244-0185
Email: groupone_ne@yahoo.com
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
- Monitor Industrial
McCullough and Associates
- 7400 Washington Avenue South
- Eden Prairie, MN 55344
- Phone: 800-328-5003
- Fax: 952-946-8906
- Email: salesdept@mcculloughandassociates
- Website: www.mcculloughandassociates.com
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
5M Sales & Marketing
- 783 Adamdell Cr.
- Winnipeg, Manitoba
- CN R2K 2B2
- Phone: 204-771-8682
- Email: clark@bakermfg.ca
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
- Monitor Industrial
- Monoflex (Environmental)
Harmon and Company, INC.
- 195 White Oak Hill Road
- Poland, ME 04274
- Phone: 207-998-8100
- Fax: 207-998-2484
- Email: greg.harmonco@gmail.com
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
- Monitor Industrial
Maples Sales and Service, INC.
- PO Box 39123
- Denver, CO 80239
- Phone: 303-371-1800
- Fax: 303-371-1808
- Email: bmaples@maplesales.com
- Website: www.maplesales.com
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
- Monitor Industrial
- Monoflex (Environmental)
MBA Distributing
- P.O. Box 823
- Jackson, MI 49204
- Phone: 800-847-8444
- Fax: 517-787-9036
- Website: www.mbadist.com
- 12555 Green Meadow
- Elm Grove, WI 53122
- Phone: 262-271-7330
- Email: jbrowne@vietnomics.com
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
- Monitor Industrial
Kazmier and Associates, INC.
- 6575-B Industrial Way
- Alpharetta, GA 30004
- Phone: 800-448-2812
- Fax: 770-664-9606
- Email: sales@kazmierinc.com
- website: www.kazmierinc.com
Flo Systems Process Equipment, INC.
- 905 Cherry Lane
- Troy, IL 62294
- Phone: 800-886-7891
- Fax: 618-667-7976
- Email: info@flosystems.com
- Website: www.flosystems.com
Hasco Sales, INC.
- 11725 Lincolnshire Court
- Glenn Allen, VA 23059
- Phone: 800-762-7838
- Fax: 888-962-7838
- Website: www.hascosales.net
Antonio Oliveros
- Phone: 664-680-7251
- Email: oliveros07@hotmail.com
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
MA Trading Corporation
- 33 Avenida 8-73
- Zona 10
- Colonia El Prado
- Guatemala, Guatemala 01010
- Phone: 011-502-5212-2251
- Fax: 011-502-2366-4516
- Email: matrading2006@yahoo.com
Baker Mfg. Co., LLC. – Baker Water Systems
- 133 Enterprise Street
- Evansville, WI 53536
- Phone: 800-523-0224
- Fax: 610-369-3580
- Email: sales@campbellmfg.com
Product Lines
- Cambell Residential
- Monitor Residential
- Monitor Industrial
- Monoflex (Environmental)
Frequently Asked Questions Distributing & Pricing
Does Baker Water Systems distribute products outside the United States?
Yes we do. We distribute our water systems and filtration products in Canada and throughout the world. Please call or email us for more information.
Does Baker Water Systems have a minimum order requirement?
Generally, we ask for only a $50.00 minimum product purchase. However, if you are a commercial business involved in any water related industry and would like to become a new Campbell customer, we will waive this minimum order requirement. Click here for more information.
Do I need to purchase standard package quantities?
For years, Baker Water Systems has prided itself on the highest level of customer satisfaction. Once you are a registered Baker Water Systems customer, you can purchase any of our products in any quantity.
What are Baker Water Systems' freight charges?
For established Baker Water Systems customers freight terms vary depending on your respective distance from or distribution center. Campbell will pay the freight based on minimum order values (materials only) in relation to your location. Please call or email us for more details.